Los gatos ferales necesitan no solo el método CES, si no que los alimenten, para así evitar se vayan a otras zonas donde puedan correr peligro. Es por esto que hemos decidido hacer una recogida de pienso y latas solidaria, para que todo aquel que pueda aporte su granito de arena donando pienso y latas para los gatos ferales (callejeros ). Os detallamos los sitios donde podéis comprarlo y no solo ayudar a los gatos si no a los pequeños comercios de ibiza, así mismo también tenéis la oportunidad de que todo el que quiera lo compre en otros establecimientos o grandes superficies, y nos avise para recogerlo o indicarle donde llevarlo.
Cada semana se publicara lo conseguido y se repartirá entre todas la cuidadoras de colonias de la isla, que así lo soliciten y rellenen un pequeño cuestionario. así que animaros y ayudarnos a que los gatos ferales tengan su ración de comida asegurada.
Próximamente en otras comunidades autónomas.


The feral cats not only need to go through the T.N.R. method (Trap/Neuter/Return), they also need food to help keep them healthy and strong and also it helps to keep them in the right place, avoiding them wandering and going to dangerous places looking for food.

That is why we have decided to organise a solidarity cat biscuit and food tins collection. In this way all of you who would like to help the feral cats (abandoned and/or strays) and want to contribute to this good cause can now donate either dried biscuits or tins.

Down below we list the names of the shops where you can buy your donations and this will not only help the feral cats but also Ibiza’s small business but please you can also feel free to buy the cat food in which ever shop or big store supermarkets you would like, just let us to know and we will be really happy to go and collect your donation or alternatively we will tell you where to take it to.

Every week we will publish how much we have collected and we will distribute the total to all of the island’s feeders who have registered with this initiative and have filled out an questionnaire answering a few questions.

So please go ahead and donate and help Ibiza’s feral cats to try to at least get a bowl of food every single day.

Soon we will try and organise the same kind of solidarity cat food collections in other Spanish places . So they too can get help with their cat colonies...

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